Interior, Design, Furniture, Accessories, Porcelain, Fabric, Cloths, Labels, Symbolics, Helardry, etc.:

Head Office of the Founder of Ltd “Magtiwin” - Architecture, Design, Interior, Furniture; Tbilisi.

Premises of the Ltd. “World Medicines”; Architecture & Design; Tbilisi.

Premises of the Ltd. “GlobalFarm”; Architecture & Design; Tbilisi.

Showroom of the Ltd. Caparole in Tbilisi; Architecture & Design;

Showroom and saloon of the Ltd. Keune in Tbilisi; Architecture & Design;

South African airlines “VistaGeorgia” – Head office. Tbilisi.

Designing of a Decorative Fance for TV-Radio Center in Tbilisi;

Architecture, design, interior and furniture of offices for Magti Ltd throughout entire Georgia.